HVAC Maintenance Checklist for the Fall Season

Fall Maintenance Check ListIt’s that glorious time of year when it feels just right outside. The morning chill doesn’t warrant the heating system and the afternoon sun barely warrants the use of your AC system. In fact, it’s not too hot or cold outside for most of the day, so your HVAC system requires significantly less output than it does during the hot summer months. The mild weather of the fall season is the perfect time to check off a few HVAC maintenance items. We’ve compiled a list of things that need to be done this time of year to prolong the life of your unit.

Close Your Crawl Space Vents

 The first reason to close your crawl space vents is because it keeps the floors from getting too cold and making your heating system run longer that it should. The second reason is that many homes in the Raleigh area have condensing furnaces in the crawl space. It’s important that these condensing furnaces are able to drain throughout the winter. If the vents aren’t closed, you risk the drain line freezing and shutting off the system on the coldest days of the year.

Change Your Filters

We know, we know, we say this a lot. But it is that important! Simply put, changing your filters decreases the chances of your system overheating. For heat pumps in heat mode, the indoor air blows across the condenser coil. A dirty air filter will cause higher than normal pressures which stresses the entire system. For gas furnaces, manufacturers design systems to maintain a 40-60 degrees temperature differential from the air coming into the system to the supply air that comes out of the vents. A dirty air filter can slow down the air which will allow higher than normal temperature differences. This issue will not only decrease the life of your heat exchanger, but it also puts extra stress on the blower motor and control boards. The most important reason to change your air filters is that dirty air filters can even be a fire hazard!

Clear Drain Lines on Condensing Furnaces

We service units before the first freeze to prevent the system from intermittently shutting off. When systems intermittently shut off, it puts stress on the inducer fan motor that gets rid of the combustion gases from the system.

Service Heat Pumps to Avoid Unit From Freezing

As the leaves begin to fall, it’s imperative that you keep all debris cleared from the outdoor unit of your heat pump so it is able to drain. We typically recommend a minimum of three feet of clearance. Without ample clearance to drain, your system is at risk of freezing which can cause costly damage.

Now is the perfect time to schedule your fall maintenance appointment. If you haven’t already scheduled yours, we recommend you contact us to schedule sooner than later. Our appointments are filling up fast and we want to be sure we get you in before it gets cold! Contact us today to schedule your next appointment. When you speak to a representative, be sure to ask about Jay’s Comfort Plan!