Author: jays13456

What You Need to Know if You Have a Heat Pump

In honor of just awarding us the Best Heat Pump Contractor in the Raleigh Area for 2023 (click here to see our full profile), we’ve compiled a list of things heat pump owners need to be on the lookout for during the winter months. If you have a heat pump, read on to learn tips for ongoing maintenance and when it’s time to call in the pros!

Prepare for the Leaf Fall

Even though temperatures can still climb into the upper 70s/low 80s, there’s no denying the fall season is here. With the crisp evening air, chilly breezes, and changing leaves, it’s important to prepare for the leaf fall. Read on to learn two ways to prolong the life of your unit throughout the cooler months.

What’s That Burning Smell?

This time of year, we often get calls from clients wanting to know why their heating system smells like it’s burning the first time they turn it on. Believe it or not, the burning smell can be attributed to dust buildup burning off the heat strips if you have a heat pump and the heat exchangers if you have a furnace. Customers who have received their fall maintenance appointment are less likely to smell the burning smell because our technicians remove dust buildup and test the units while they are onsite. Is it Harmful? The burning smell itself is harmless and usually subsides in the first half-hour of use. However, anytime you are burning dust, there is an increased risk of fire. The best way to prevent fires caused by dust in heating systems is to schedule a fall maintenance appointment before you turn your system on. If you turn the unit on for the first time without a maintenance technician present, be on the lookout for any smoke coming from the heater. If you see smoke, turn off the power immediately and call your local HVAC company to have your unit serviced before using it again. Schedule Your Fall Maintenance Appointment It’s not too late to schedule your fall maintenance appointment. We strongly recommend having our team of experienced technicians come out to your home before you turn your unit on for the first time this season. Contact our office today to get on our schedule before the cool weather sets in, and be sure to ask about Jay’s Comfort Plan!

HVAC Maintenance Checklist for the Fall Season

It’s that glorious time of year when it feels just right outside. The morning chill doesn’t warrant the heating system and the afternoon sun barely warrants the use of your AC system. In fact, it’s not too hot or cold outside for most of the day, so your HVAC system requires significantly less output than it does during the hot summer months. The mild weather of the fall season is the perfect time to check off a few HVAC maintenance items. We’ve compiled a list of things that need to be done this time of year to prolong the life of your unit.

Heat Pump Maintenance for the Fall

Fall is here and it’s time to schedule your next heat pump maintenance appointment before it gets too cold. At each visit, our technicians will clean the coils, ensure the heat strips and defrost cycle are working correctly, inspect the heat strip lockout point and blower motor, and tighten all the electrical systems. As with all maintenance appointments, we will recommend any needed repairs before they become an issue. Regular heat pump maintenance performed by our trained professionals will extend the life of your heat pump saving you time and money!

Our Commitment to Excellence

The entire team at Jay’s Heating and Cooling has demonstrated a commitment to excellence since day one. After serving his country, owner and operator, Jason Ibrahim, was inspired to start the business so could provide the highest possible quality of HVAC services for his parents’ properties. Since then, he has treated every single property, both commercial and residential, as if it belonged to his parents.

Why We Don’t Provide Quotes Over the Phone for AC Repairs

This time of year, we get a lot of calls for people asking for specific AC repair quotes over the phone. We understand how unnerving it can be when your air conditioning stops functioning in the middle of the hottest summer months. Additionally, we know that budget may be a concern when undergoing potential repairs and/or replacements. As much as we would love to be able to give you the exact cost of your issue so you can plan ahead, we hesitate to provide you with that information before we see the issue in person. Read on to learn why this is actually in your best interest!

Common AC Repairs in Raleigh

Our experienced AC repair technicians compiled a list of repairs they perform most frequently on homes and businesses in and around the Raleigh area. Read on to learn signs of common issues, how they are repaired, and how you can prevent further damage to your system if you are experiencing an issue.

AC Tune Up Versus Jay’s Comfort Plan

No one wants to be caught in the middle of a hot North Carolina summer with a malfunctioning AC system. The best way to prevent that from happening is a preventative maintenance trip from our professional AC technicians. It’s no wonder we get a lot of questions this time of year from customers wanting to know the difference between an AC tune up and Jay’s Comfort Plan. Here we break down the similarities and differences so you can make the decision that best meets your family’s needs before the heat of the summer sets in!